Natural Lavender Essential Oil Scented
Beef Tallow Gardener's Soap
Natural Lavender Essential Oil Scented Beef Tallow Soap |
Natural lavender essential oil is a great bug repellent, it calms itchy skin, and it's a natural anti-inflammatory (aiding healing of gardeners' scratches and bites). smells so nice!
Adding this lavender essential oil to our world-famous beef tallow soap makes a gentle, thorough soap, that leaves your skin smooth and fragrant. We know you'll love the soft cleansing of beef tallow soap on your hands, face, and body after being out there working hard. What a luxury at a small price.
Ingredients: Beef Tallow, Water, Sodium Hydroxide, Lavendar Essential Oil
In the Garden
Lavender Essential Oil Scented
Beef Tallow Soap
4 oz. $5
(Shipping and handling for your entire order will be $7.00)
Want to order by phone? Call 706-289-1596.