Rebecca's Secret
Deliciously Scented Sunflower Soap
One evening, Bill was cleaning glass tubes, which had contained four essential oils. The blend of fragrances was heavenly to me, so I asked him to make a sunflower soap with all four essential oils added to it. Since I usually use unscented soap, this was a strange request for me to make, but I had to have that smell! He made up a batch, and I confess, I'm still in love with the scent. There are citrus elements, some flowers, and some rich, old smells. It makes a beautiful shampoo, too.
What are those 4 essential oils? Well, that's my secret!
Ingredients: Sunflower Oil, four essential oils, lye, and water.
Rebecca's Secret Scented
Sunflower Oil Soap
4 ounces $5
(Shipping and handling for your entire order will be $7.00)
(Our new phone number is 706-289-1596)
The picture used on this soap is a detail from a larger self-portrait of Rebecca Kissel. The title of the larger work is "Dreaming of Prague." It's a full-sized portrait done in pastel chalk on paper. This picture grew from our appreciation of the art nuveau posters by turn-of-the-century Czech artist, Alfons Mucha. The little landscapes in the background are our favorite places in the city of Prague, our favorite vacation destination. The whole drawing can be seen by clicking the thumbnail to the right.
"Dreaming of Prague," Pastel Self-Portrait by Rebecca Rich Kissel |
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