Bill started making soap for me, and it has changed my life (literally). Since we began sharing our soap with family, friends, and now customers, we have become accustomed to hearing wonderful things about our products. I'll share some of them with you here. ---Rebecca
Major Bill's Lip Balm |
"I had never tried handmade soap until a couple of years ago when I ran across Second Hand Dogs Soap Company at a holiday market. I tried several soaps and loved each one. All of the soaps made my skin feel so clean and soft. When I bought my soap Mrs. Kissel also suggested that I try Matilda's Body Balm and Major Bill's Lip Balm. Before using Major Bill's Lip Balm my lips seemed to stay dry and I was constantly applying Chapstick to my lips. Since using Major Bill's Lip Balm my lips no longer feel dry and chapped. Mrs. Kissel also told me that Matilda's Body Balm works well on the face and is also good for burns. I found this to be so true. One day I had applied Nair Hair Remover to my face and left it on a little too long. When I washed it off my face was very red and burned. I immediately applied some face lotion hoping it would help but it did nothing to soothe my face. That night before went to bed I remembered what Mrs. Kissel told me about Matilda's Body Balm and applied it to my face. The next morning all of the redness had gone and I no longer had that burning feeling on my face. This product really does work wonders. I think anyone who tries the Second Hand Dogs products will be well pleased. "
Columbus, GA
Matilda's Body Balm |
Thanks so much! I absolutely love the lemon shampoo. After using high-end, expensive shampoos for so many years, I wondered about using a bar of soap. I tried it on a Saturday, when I had time to rescue my hair if necessary. I was amazed at the nice lather, the lovely and light fragrance, and the ease with which it rinsed out. So not only does my hair look shinier, the shampoo saves me time in the shower and my hair seems to dry more quickly. I forgot to re-order last weekend, so sadly used up my last little bit yesterday and eagerly await my new supply.
I really appreciate the gift soaps - a great opportunity to try new soaps, which obviously leads to more purchases. :-)
~Nancy from Seattle
I just tried your soap for the first time. I washed my face with Mediterranean Spa. Ooh-la-la! It is lovely. Thanks again, Lynda in Atlanta
Please consider this a love letter. I LOVE YOUR SOAP. I originally purchased Rub-A-Dub-Dog to wash our little Silky terrier, Garbo. She has a terrible problem with allergies and really suffers with ichy rashes. The special medicated shampoo that we have to purchase from her Vet has not helped her very much and certainly not helped our pocketbook. However, when you love your pets, you will do anything you can to help them. And, we have certainly tried just about everything we could find, research, or discover through talking with other pet owners. Well you said to try your soap because it helped your little Westie with her dry, itchy skin and insect bites too. Well, your soap has sure made a difference. Gardo no longer gets that oily smell she use to have about three days after a bath, her hair is starting to grow back again and her rash is almost completely gone --- this is amazing considering how many products we have tried in the past.. Thank you.
So, I was so thrilled with the result, I decided to try it on our two white Maltese Terriers, Daisy and Danny. Silly me for ever buying white dogs while living in/on the red clay of Georgia. I had been using a special blue shampoo for help keep their coats white. Who knew?? A bar of Rub-A-Dub-Dog would make their coats whiter, brighter, smell better and certainly cost less.
Okay, I was on a roll. I decided to give myself a shampoo using your soap called “Sunshine.” And, I love it too. My hair feels cleaner, thicker, and, of course, I use it all over my body. My face has never looked so good … no kidding. I mean really clean – no whiteheads, no blackheads, and it looks brighter. Somehow stuff just seemed to roll off the more I used it. I know this sounds strange, but I’m being honest. My husband did notice and said he liked my new makeup --- I wasn’t using any!
I didn’t say anything to my husband about using the bars of soap that I now had strategically placed in the powder room, kitchen, and guest bathrooms or put on our bathroom sinks and the shower. He already knew the results with the dogs since he was the one that shampooed them. But I knew he was hooked on his liquid Olay for the shower – until one evening he said “did you notice that your feet don’t slip or slide in the shower with this new soap and it really feels good on your skin.” So, I guess you have another convert. We love your soap.
Thank you for making such great products.
Roseanne and Bill
Garbo, Daisy and Danny
Midland, Georgia
One Saturday at the Market on Broad in Columbus, GA, as Bill and I were selling soap, a man rushed up to our table. He said, rather urgently, that he had heard we have some soap that will help poison ivy. I picked up a bar of "Major Bill's" and began to tell him about its ability to take the itch away, and was just recommending that he use some as soon as he got home. He interrupted me with, "I'm in agony RIGHT NOW!" I looked around and realized we had a bottle of water to fill our doggie water bowl (which we always put out for the many dogs who visit us at the market), and I asked him if he wanted to wash with it right now. He quickly answered, "Yes, MA'AM!" I poured the water on his lower legs, and he lathered up the soap and rubbed it up and down his shins.
He wanted to buy the bar, and as we made our transaction, he stood there a moment and quietly said, "It's working already." He walked away like a man at peace. Major Bill's 100% All Beef Tallow Soap to the rescue.--------Rebecca Kissel
Last night I felt a sting and pulled back my covers to see a spider running away from my ankle. I went directly to the bathroom and rubbed the spot with a wet bar of Washing Matilda, and in the morning there was no spider bite AT ALL.--------Gretchen in Stillwater, OK
One customer at the Market on Broad in Columbus, GA, returned for more soap because her daughter used hers up after she discovered how well it cleaned make up off her face. She bought more for herself and for her daughter, too.
Another customer pointed to our soaps and said, "Pretty enough for a gift, and you don't even have to wrap them!" ------Rebecca Kissel